Mother and child cooking

Your Child's


Share a legacy of learning that your children will never forget and discover how to be your child's greatest influence in life.

Open Article
Article originally published in Fall 2013 edition of
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Title picture -storm clouds- Link Between Success and Anger


Learning how to combat the negative within.

Open Article
Article originally published in Spring 2015 edition of
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Out of the Valley


The links take you to 2 audio files that you can listen to on-line or download. Before my surgery I wrote prayers combining different versions of the Bible. Mac recorded them so I could listen to them during my hospital stay. I am still listening to them.

Reflecting with God's Women

Naomi (Ruth 1-4)

A first person journal written from Naomi's viewpoint.

Naomi Notes

Barb's presentation notes for the Naomi journal.

Rhoda (Acts 12)

A first person journal written from Rhoda's viewpoint.

Herodias' Daughter (Matthew 14)

A first person journal written from viewpoint of Herodias' Daughter.

Caught in Adultry (John 8)

A first person journal written from the viewpoint of the woman caught in adultry.

Mary's ThankYou (Lazarus'Sister) (John 11)

A first person journal written from Mary's viewpoint.

Title picture - old keys in lock in old door

Barb’s Prayer Blog

To Blog

An online collection of the Scripture Prayers* that God’s Spirit has flowed through Barb’s thoughts and fingers. These prayers belong to God! Because there is no copyright, members have permission to copy, re-worded, keep and/or send any prayer to friends or family who need the comfort, encouragement and love that God provides through your prayers.

*Scripture prayers are created by selecting a portion of scripture, viewing it in numerous versions of the Bible, and then weaving chosen phrases together into a prayer that speaks God’s Word, thoughts and intentions back to Him.

Parenting with a Wise Heart


The link takes you to my first book "Parenting with a Wise Heart"

To Book
Tower of Hands from book cover
Book cover - Grow a Wise Heart

Growing a Wise Heart


The link takes you to my second book “Growing a Wise Heart"

To Book
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